From the principal
We constantly review our remote learning policies and processes and have endeavoured to ensure that students are given time to be away from screens
read moreWe constantly review our remote learning policies and processes and have endeavoured to ensure that students are given time to be away from screens
read moreThe roller coaster ride of living through this pandemic continues. Once again, our community has quickly adapted to the ever-changing conditions as we pivot from onsite classes to remote learning. I commend our students for their resilience and adaptability as they quickly adjust
Congratulations to our students and families who are working so diligently in these challenging times. I am so impressed by the many students who have displayed great resilience and tenacity in managing remote learning. This is our sixth lockdown and we need to travel gently and
We are moving through challenging times, as the COVID response continues to place restrictions on our capacity to gather as a faith community. In the short term, we have postponed our Feast Day celebrations in the hope that a later date may allow us to gather. Nonetheless, we con
2021 Debating Competition Debating this year experienced many ups and downs for all seven MSJ teams, ranging from wins, losses, lockdowns and zoom rounds. Both C Grade teams completed Secret Topics this season for the first time, and through learning the ins and outs of preparin