As Term 3 draws to a close, we have had another busy term with many opportunities to deepen our learning and build strong connections and partnerships with our families and students.

The Wellbeing Program continues to be developed by a strong collaborative team of professionals. At Year 8, our students have been engaged in the Mpower Girls Program facilitated by their Learning Mentors, Wellbeing Leader and the Social Workers Team. The Program teaches our students skills in emotional intelligence. MPower Girls focuses on changing the culture of how a class or whole year level of students interacts with each other. Incorporating Narrative Therapy, the Program helps female students to be more mindful of how they think, talk and act towards each other. The Program explores the themes of being a good friend, the impact of body language on others and the effects of negative comments. Within this framework, students are given specific skills to effectively problem-solve peer issues, to be assertive in conflict situations, reduce stereotyping and be more mindful of how their actions affect their peers.

As a result, we have found the students are able to create more respectful relationships, manage conflict scenarios better, and build resilience within themselves.

Next week, students in Years 7, 8 and the Senior School will participate in a workshop from Be You, an initiative from Beyond Blue exploring how young people can support one another during challenging times. I encourage our families to visit the website. As you may have seen, our College participated in the R U OK? Day with a shared picnic lunch and students used the Learning Mentor time to watch a slide show prepared by our student leaders.



Youth Beyond Blue


Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria

1300 550 236


131 114

Suicide Line

1300 651 251

Domestic Violence Crisis Line

1300 651 251

Orygen Youth Health

1800 888 320

Department of Human Services

1300 650 172

Youth Drug & Alcohol Advice (YoDAA)

1800 458 685

Kids Helpline

1800 551 800

Child Safe Details

Last week, we celebrated our Male Mentors Breakfast and heard of the experiences of an MSJ parent, Rob Paladino. Rob reminded us of the need to be loving, gentle, passionate and caring for our daughters. He spoke with such conviction and honesty, but was a reminder of the important role men play in the lives of young women. We need to be able to guide, nurture and celebrate the gifts of our children. We also heard from MSJ parent, Mark de Brabander of the DONS (Dads of Newport and surrounds), a support group for men in Newport and surrounds who meet once a week and share stories and experiences, as well as a fitness group.

The College continues to implement the capabilities of the Parent Access Module (PAM). I encourage all families to regularly log on, as we communicate individual letters and notifications through this portal. If you have forgotten or lost your log on details, please contact the ICT help desk.

Your Teen and their Tech

Technology: What is it good for? Your teen is navigating devices in an age where they know more about technology than their parents. As parents, this raises many questions including, What is harmful? What is helpful? Are they addicted? Does it impact social development? Should they be outside playing? What is my role and how should I be guiding my child?

Dr Kristy Goodwin argues that the media and our family and friends often portray technology as being harmful. The reality is, however, that it is never going away. The tech age is upon us and our teens need to be able to navigate and regulate their own use of technology.

Dr Goodwin suggests that parents need to be the pilot of their teen's tech use, creating a safe environment free from judgement, that supports teens in sharing content safely. This encourages teens to share their group chats and private accounts with their parents and helps teens be in control of their technology, rather than their technology being in control of them. Family boundaries including location and time spent on technology is important. It is recommended that teen bedrooms should be tech-free zones. Configuring the wifi to be on at designated times and apps including Family Zone can help parents monitor safe tech use and help teens regulate their time spent on different social media applications.

Dr Goodwin is both a mum and a researcher focusing on tech habits and digital wellbeing. To access webinars, articles and blog posts, please visit or follow her on Facebook and/or Instagram.

A few gentle reminders

If you have changed address, please contact the College Reception Team and they will make the necessary changes. You must inform the College of a change in residential address and any changes to emergency contacts.

If you have made any changes to Court Orders that involve parenting arrangements with your daughter, can you please provide a hard copy to the College.

Steven Mifsud - Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing