Congratulations to the many students who have continued to be involved and participate in the fullness of College life. I am so impressed to see the many young women who are actively involved in our sporting programs, Athletics carnival, ensembles, preparation for MMADD workshops, lunchtime sport, public speaking, debating and the Earth Team. Each day at lunchtime we see so many students getting the most from their teenage years and being in secondary school. Young people who engage in many activities at school or in the local community are able to develop friendships, resilience and face unknown challenges.

At MSJ we have had a constant focus on developing wellbeing programs that promote resilience, confidence and self esteem. We believe that our wellbeing program and our interactions with our students is one that supports our people to flourish, self regulate and reflect on themselves as young people. This combined with our recent Activities Week is promoting connectedness and relationships with new people. I encourage you to participate in the fullness of life.

In 2020 the College introduced Pulse surveys for our young people. Each Monday students complete a 60 second survey on their laptop that enables the student to inform a member of the Wellbeing Team that they may need support. The Wellbeing Team have been pleased with our student’s ability to seek support and to ask for help. An additional feature of PULSE is the ability to send affirmations and gratitude to peers, teachers or other people. It has been wonderful to see students use this feature. We need to continue to model help seeking behaviour coupled with an appreciation of being in the moment and being present.


In terms two and three all students must wear the College Blazer to and from school.

Recently a number of our students have enjoyed wearing the College trousers. It is expected that students who wear the trousers, must wear the new College jumper.

Students who continue to wear the incorrect uniform may be sent home. Students are only permitted to wear two plain earrings in each ear, no facial piercings are permitted.