Cross Country Champion

Abby Bassos (Year 8) represented MSJ at the All Schools Cross Country Championships on 20 July and qualified 7th. Abby will now represent Victoria on Sat 31st August in Launceston at the Australian Cross Country Championships. There were approximately 130 athletes competing for selection into the Victorian team.

We are so proud of her, she has a coach that she trains with and has recently overcome a hip injury. Her commitment to her rehabilitation and building her strength to achieve this result is really outstanding.

Good luck Abby. You go girl!

Literary Prizes

Congratulations to MSJ students Gihara Jayaneththi (Year 9) and Mahnoor Talpur (Year 12) who were successful in the Willy Lit Writing Festival's annual competition. Gihara won First Prize in the Young Ada's Short Story competition with her story Vivace, and Mahnoor was Commended for her story Daisy and the Oak Tree. Both stories have been published in the The Adas 2024 anthology, which can be borrowed from the school library.

Willylitfest 2024 was held at the Williamstown Town Hall, Friday June 14 to Sunday June 16 with more than 60 workshops, panels and performances from writers including Maxine Beneba Clarke, Dominique Hecq, Trish Bolton, John Harms, Toni Jordan, Tony Birch, Robert Skinner and Alice Pung.

Textile Competition Winner

Lola Refardt Year 11, independently spent her holiday entering the 'Wool for Schools' competition and she has won first prize for her textile design. Lola is an