On Thursday, February 27th 2025, MSJ proudly competed in the CGSAV Division 1 Swimming Competition. In the lead-up to the event, many dedicated students showed up for early morning training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, putting in the hard work to prepare.
Everybody gave their best and swam their all, and when needed, swimmers stepped up to fill in spots without hesitation. Competing against seven other schools and their top swimmers was no easy task, but with the support of our teammates, we pushed through.
It was a tight competition all day, but in the end, the MSJ Seniors came out victorious!!!
Overall, MSJ placed 3rd in the competition. We’re very proud of everyone and all the hard work they have put into the day. We also want to give a huge thank you to Mr McCartney for organising everything and Sarah Trigger for coaching and supporting us along the way.
We are very grateful to be part of the MSJ swim team from 2020 to 2025 and to win the senior division in our last year was really special. We hope all the students of MSJ give swimming a crack and continue it all the way until they reach year 12.
Thank you for having us MSJ!!
Priscilla Law and Milly Kennedy (Year 12)
Leaders from the College were invited to a breakfast at Marian College, where we had a special guest speaker, Georgia Patrikios who plays AFLW for Saint Kilda AFLW team. Georgia spoke about her experiences leading her into the ALFW and her present time playing now. Georgia discussed her childhood growing up playing footy and how she was able to make that her career. During this presentation Georgia spoke about the highs and lows of her time playing footy, one of the lowest being her injury.
This led her to talk about what the recovery looked like and how she was able to keep mentally healthy, as mental wellbeing was one of the most important topics to her. She also gave the group tips and tricks on what to do in times of stress or when feeling anxious which was particularly helpful for those of us in year 12, explaining how sport helped her to alleviate some of the stress. Lately Georgia discussed her own personal stories about being a leader in a team , which was helpful as it gave us new ways to look at leading and being a team.
Overall the breakfast was a fabulous way to meet new leaders from different schools along with listening to someone that has both experiences in leadership at a time and strategies of dealing with stress in difficult times.
Bianca Anderson - College Captain