Top Arts
Year 12 Studio Arts student Rose Ree's Digital artwork entitled, "As time goes, I'll be there to see you again", has been shortlisted for the next year's 2020 Top Arts Exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria.
How is Digital Art Created
In Rose's words:
"I create my digital artworks using a Wacom Intuos Pro tablet, which I have been using for roughly three years. Using the painting program (Clip Studio Paint Pro), I am able to manipulate colours and line art. I started digital art very poorly and barely managed to do the outline art for my characters. Through a lot of trial and error, I slowly grew accustomed to working in digital and learned new ways to colour and create visual effects such as surface textures and 3D modeling".
On Tuesday, MSJ competed in the 'Programming Challenge for Year 9 Girls' at the University of Melbourne. MSJ had eight students commit to training across 2019 with three training sessions held at the Melbourne School of Engineering. Two teams of two entered the finale held on Tuesday at the Uni, one of which placed second in the final coding challenge against a number of other schools. It was a fun day with a lot of laughs! Well done to Elizabeth Pollard and Tara Mathews' team! Also congratulations to Mai Nguyen, Ruby Ripps and Amelie Adams for competing. These students, and a team of others, have worked hard this year developing their coding skills, running tech teams and setting up our robotics team. We look forward to the tech competitions of 2020!
For 2020 fee information, please visit:
and complete the brief survey indicating how you intend to meet your obligations for 2020 fees.
The College will complete the contact code for families whose daughters are commencing with us in 2020.
It should be noted that:
Please contact us on or 8398 2000 if you require any assistance.
Noel Kennedy - Business Manager