The recent two-week lockdown has been difficult. Research and anecdotal evidence is telling us that many, including young people in our community, are struggling with the ongoing restrictions. It is having a detrimental effect on the mental health of a large number of people in our community. As a school, we are acutely aware of this situation and our Year Level Team Leaders, House Leaders and Wellbeing Team are providing support for students. If you have any concerns in regard to your child/children’s mental health and need our support, please contact us immediately.
A few weeks ago, over one hundred parents joined myself and a number of staff to view an online presentation by Dr Justin Coulson on Sex, Consent and Staying Safe. It was a highly informative and thought-provoking presentation and, in the coming weeks, we will be seeking feedback about the session. You may wish to check out the Happy Families website A Respectful Relationships Committee, chaired by myself and consisting of students, staff and parents, has been established. We do still have a couple of parent places available if you wish to be part of this committee. Please email me directly at
One of the highlights of the year is MMADD Day. This year, the theme was appropriately ‘Female Powerhouses’. Each House was allocated a female powerhouse performer and the Year 7 and 12 students of each House choreographed a dance routine to then perform for the whole school. This is a day where we highlight the arts in all its forms and provide students with the opportunity to dress up and attend some fun workshops. I would like to thank the many staff and students who worked so hard to ensure that the day was a great success, in particular Georgia Bettiol, Student Engagement Leader, Joanna De Bono, Deputy Principal Learning and Staff, Mikaela King, Student Arts Leader, Ella O’Connor, Year 12 student, and those who ran workshops on the day. There may have even been a visit from royalty on the day and Mikaela and Ella were magical as Kath and Kim. Well done to everyone involved.
During this last week of term, the Year 10 students have been involved in an extensive Pathways program that has allowed them to explore with staff the many pathway options that are available to them and to assist them in making decisions about their future. Thank you to Joanna De Bono, Tania Vranes, Pathways Leader, Director of Innovation and Pedagogy Adam Gonzalez and the Learning Development Leaders, House Leaders, Domain Leaders, and other staff involved as program advisors, for working with and supporting the students through this process.
At the beginning of next term, we will be seeking feedback from you on a number of aspects of College life including assessment and reporting, parent/teacher/student conferences and our methods of communication. This will take the form of a survey and will be sent to parents via email.
I am so very proud of our students as they have once again shown great resilience and understanding throughout the COVID-19 restrictions that have been in place. Once again, thank you to our staff who worked tirelessly to ensure that learning could continue for our students. I hope all our students and staff do have an opportunity to rest and relax over the break.
Kate Dishon