This year, staff at MSJ are continuing to focus on practices that enhance pedagogy allowing students to achieve their goals. The four main areas that staff will be developed in the Teaching and Learning area for 2025 includes:

Working with the Annual Action Plan Goals which are learning centered around Year 9 Numeracy standards, Literacy in years 7 - 10 and VCE Median Score.

Student Voice - Enhancing and maximising the opportunities for student voice in learning and leadership.

Learning Management System - Working with the implementation of SIMON as a whole learning management system for 2025.

Learning & Teaching Framework - Development of an MSJ Learning and Teaching Framework which aligns with MACS Vision for Instruction and the Explicit Instruction model.

Continue to enhance the processes surrounding staff collaboration which includes coaching, mentoring and professional development.

    New Staff 2025

    2025 saw the commencement of a number of new staff at the College. It has been a wonderful start to this new journey for these new staff and I hope that we are able to make the staff welcome and engage with their talents and expertise.

    Our new staff for 2025 are:


    Faculty and Extra Responsibility

    Judita Kefatzis

    Religious Education and Dance

    Bronwyn Milgate

    Teacher Librarian

    Helen Debono

    Music, Drama and Dance

    Natalie O’Brien

    Learning Development Leader

    Physical Education and Science

    Jen Mahony

    Japanese and English

    Tammi Burke

    Office Manager

    Leanne Mattheson

    Learning Development Leader


    Tanya Jones


    Krystal Holzer

    Senior House Leader - Cameron

    Science, VM and Religion

    We also congratulate staff who are undertaking new positions of leadership this year and wish them the best with their Leadership journey.

    Celebrating the class of 2024

    At the Academic Assembly on 18 February, the College celebrated the achievements of the 2024 VCE and VM graduates. We welcomed back our 2024 College Dux for both VCE, VM and VPC and other outstanding award winners who shared their MSJ school journey and their commitment to pursuing excellence throughout their educational pathways.

    Students who achieved the Subject Dux awards and the Top 20 ATAR scores, along with those who achieved 40 or more in individual study scores, were recognised at the assembly.

    The College Assembly was a wonderful celebration of students’ success with family and friends in attendance.

    As our 2024 Year 12 students start the next exciting chapter of their educational or life journey, our thoughts and prayers go with them.

    Here is a snapshot of the results:

    We begin with our Subject dux recipients


    VET Music Performance

    Sofia Bitaks

    Geography - Study score 46

    Malaika Boyall

    Foundation Mathematics - Study score 45

    Genna Bugeja

    English Language - Study score 43 & Global Politics - Study score 43

    Olivia Buttigieg

    Visual Communication Design

    Ava De Sousa

    Literature - Study score 40

    Lorna Denny


    Lucy English

    Psychology - Study score 44

    Gabrielle Furnari

    General Mathematics - Study score 40

    Sasha Godfrey

    Software Development - Study score 42

    Kinuri Gunawardena

    Health and Human Development - Study score 46 & Business Management - 47

    Heaven Habib

    Health and Human Development - Study score 46, Physical Education - Study score 44 & VCE VET Sport and Recreation - Study score 45

    Emilia King

    Art Making and Exhibiting - Study score 44

    Clara Nguyen

    Business Management - Study score 47

    Michelina Paglianiti (11)

    History: Revolutions

    Ivy Peng

    Biology - Study score 49

    Ivy Quach (11)

    Languages: Japanese Second Language

    Lavanya Sharma

    Food Studies

    Lillian Smith

    Literature - Study score 40 & English - Study score 42

    Mahnoor Talpur

    Languages: Japanese Second Language & Product Design and Technologies - Study score 40

    Angelin Vu

    Congratulations to all of those students, we now award additional students who received a study score of 40.



    Business Management 46Kate Birthisel
    Languages: German 40Jasmin Boehme
    Health and Human Development 40Heidi Fehring
    Religion and Society 42 & Business Management 42Kiana Hales
    Psychology 40Eleni Kikidis
    Health and Human Development 40Ellie Mcmahon
    Vietnamese Second Language (scaled 41)Cindy Nguyen
    Business Management 44Natalie Postill
    Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40Poppy Randall
    Business Management 43Sarah Roberts
    Art Making and Exhibiting 40Ava Scott
    Business Management 42Hayley Tanti
    Business Management 40 & Legal Studies 41Aliki Totikidis
    Applied Computers: Software Development 40Kasey Tran

    Congratulations to all of those students, we now award students who received more than one acknowledgement in their studies.


    Dux Chemistry & Physics, Legal Studies 41

    Kayla Britnell

    Dux Languages: French & English, Biology 42

    Bridget Corluka

    Dux Media 41 & Art making and Exhibiting 42

    Etienne Green

    Dux Business Management, Legal studies 44 & Psychology 43

    Elisa Guaglianone

    Dux Specialist Mathematics & Mathematical Methods, Health and Human Development 40

    Asha Hall

    Dux Religion and Society, Legal Studies 40

    Ivana Kasun

    Dux Outdoor and Environmental Studies & Physical Education 40

    Bridget Lloyd

    Dux History: Revolutions & Psychology 42

    Molly McCarthy

    Dux Legal Studies, Health and Human Development 45

    Chloe Zuvela

    2024 VCE ATARs above 90 with Intended Post School Destinations

    Degree/ Bachelor:




    Biomedical Science: Monash University

    Lavanya Sharma- 90.15

    Criminology and Criminal Justice/Bachelor of Laws:

    Australian Catholic University

    Kiana Hales- 90.65

    Speech Pathology (Degree/Master): Victoria University

    Gabrielle Furnari- 91.3

    Optometry: Deakin University

    Heaven Habib- 91.5

    Arts: The University Of Melbourne

    Eleni Kikidis- 92.3

    Engineering (Honours) (Professional):

    Swinburne University of Technology

    Jade Longmuir- 92.9

    Laws/Business: RMIT University

    Ivana Kasun- 92.95

    Physical Education and Sport Science (Degree):

    Victoria University

    Emilia King- 93.75

    Engineering (Honours): RMIT University

    Kayla Britnell- 94.5

    Biomedical Science: Monash University

    Mahnoor Talpur- 94.55

    Science: The University of Melbourne

    Asha Hall- 94.6

    Commerce/Actuarial Science: Monash University

    Sasha Godfrey- 95.3

    Laws (Honours): Monash University

    Chloe Zuvela- 95.45

    Psychology: RMIT University

    Elisa Guaglianone- 96.2

    Biomedicine: The University of Melbourne

    Bridget Corluka- 97.75

    Engineering-Civil and Infrastructure (Honours):

    RMIT University

    Olivia Buttigieg- 98.5

    College Dux

    Olivia Buttigieg

    Read Olivia's speech HERE

    Vocational Major Dux

    Siennah Wilson completed her Senior VM certificate in 2024 and received outstanding nominations in all 4 strands of VM: Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development Skills and Work related Skills. She completed her VET training in Allied Health at The Gordon, Werribee. Siennah completed work placements in child care and aged care where she was able to put her VET skills into action. Siennah worked diligently to apply her learning by working on events organised by the College including the International Women's Day Breakfast and several fundraising events.

    We wish Siennah well with her future endeavours.


    Audrey Anderson completed her Victorian Pathways Certificate in 2024 and was part of the first cohort of this program at MSJ. Audrey demonstrated her capabilities across all learning areas and outcomes, including Literacy, Numeracy, Religion, Work Related Skills and Personal Development Skills. She completed a Certificate I in Active Volunteering, including a placement at Vinnies in Altona North. Audrey demonstrated leadership skills within the VPC group and applied her learning through contributions to the Mary MacKillop fundraising dinner, Caritas fundraising and volunteering efforts.

    This year, Audrey intends to complete a Certificate in Allied Health

    We wish Audrey well with her future pathway.