VCAA Examinations

Our Year 12 students will be commencing their written examinations on 29 October.

Students have been diligent in their approach to ensuring the best possible success for themselves. As a school community, as much as possible we endeavour to provide a safe, calm and supportive environment to ensure favourable outcomes for this final hurdle and therefore we do thank the remainder of the school community where there have been disruptions.

We are grateful to our Year 12 parents and guardians who have continued to support the students in this journey.

We continue to hold them in our prayers as they look forward to what life has next in store for them.

Year 8-11 Examinations

Examinations and Timed Tasks will be occurring for Years 8-11 at the end of this school year. We ensure that students engage with this process so that they have the opportunity to demonstrate the depth of understanding of work covered over an extended period of time and provide first hand experience of formal examination procedures.

Students have been provided an examination timetable and the dates and times of each exam must be read carefully.

All students must attend their scheduled exams in their full school uniform.

The examinations are a compulsory component of the learning program. Where a student is unwell, they have the ability to report the absence and then provide appropriate documentation which will allow for a rescheduled time.

Families and students have been provided with a copy of the code of conduct for examinations and I urge students to ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities.

Headspace provides families and students with some valuable resources to assist with preparing for exams manoeuvring through the time. Please visit the website below to access the resources and feel free to contact the school if you require any further guidance or information.

Academic Awards Evening - Save the Date

Our Awards Evening is an opportunity to recognise the many achievements of members of the College community throughout 2024. The Mount St. Joseph Girls' College Awards Night will be held on Thursday 5 December at 6.30pm.

The evening will recognise student academic achievement and student involvement. Further information will be provided to families closer to the date.

Chantelle Gauci - Deputy Principal, Learning & Staff