It is so delightful to have students returning to school. They have been very excited and enjoying catching up with their friends and teachers. It will take some time for things to return to normal, but I assure you we have things in place to support the students in their learning and wellbeing. As we navigate the next two months, there may be times when your child will be required to isolate. We do have a support process in place and I would ask that you contact the relevant Year Level Team Leader or House Leader and they will organise the appropriate support and assistance.
There are still a number of restrictions in place and students and staff are required to wear masks inside. As of Friday 29 October, masks are not required to be worn outside. As I have mentioned in the past, we have ample supply of hand sanitiser and the College is thoroughly cleaned on a daily basis. As the weather continues to improve, we will take advantage of the many pleasant outdoor areas for classes.
As I write this, the Year 12 students are undertaking their first exam. I do want to acknowledge how amazing they have been. This is a group of young women who have had a major disruption to their whole VCE/VCAL. They have handled all the challenges with great maturity and resilience. I, and the rest of the MSJ community, are so very proud of them. We wish those who are sitting their exams all the very best and look forward celebrating with all our VCE and VCAL students at their celebration day on 18 November.
I would also like to acknowledge the outgoing Student Leadership Team, so ably led by our College Captains, Libby McIntyre and Vivian Wei. They have been creative and innovative in developing so many ways for the student body to stay connected and engaged throughout remote learning. They were absolute wonderful leaders who supported students throughout the year and encouraged all students to be involved in the many wonderful events and activities that they organised throughout the year.
It is with delight that we welcome our 2022 College Captains, Lauren Vander and Amelia Vivera, along with the 2022 Student Leadership Team. A full list of the team can be found in the Student Leadership section of this newsletter. They have already commenced working on some wonderful ideas about how they can support the students and assist us in improving learning, faith and wellbeing at the College. I am very much looking forward to working with them.
Throughout this month, students in Years 8-11 will be undertaking exams. Information for each year level will be provided to students over the coming weeks. It is timely to remind students that exams are an important summative assessment tool that are designed to allow them to demonstrate their learning. Strategies and support in effective study and revision techniques will be provided in their classes.
Once again, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support throughout what has been a challenging few months.
Kate Dishon