Term 1 has been a very busy and productive term and I congratulate all the students that have worked hard and involved themselves in the many different aspects of College life. As you read this newsletter, you will see just how busy and exciting the term has been. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the MSJ staff for their hard work and commitment to ensuring that the students receive excellent teaching and learning opportunities and are supported in their faith, learning and wellbeing. I wish all our students and staff a well-deserved break.
Over the last few months, the College Business Manager, Danny O’Malley, members of the College Board, and myself, have been involved in a process to commence the development of a College Building Masterplan. We are confident that by the end of Term 2, we will have appointed an architectural firm to develop a comprehensive Masterplan for the next 10 years. Part of their brief will be to conduct extensive consultation with staff, students, and parents to ensure that we develop College infrastructure that is sustainable and meets our educational needs.
Anthony Cocomazzo, Religious Education, Maths and STEM Teacher, and Karen Dressler, Learning Support Officer, finish at the end of the term. We wish Anthony and Karen all the best in their future endeavours. During next term, a number of staff will be taking long service leave. I want to assure parents that we are fortunate to have a number of replacement staff who are well connected with the College to fill in for these absences so that your child’s learning is well-supported.
During these holidays, it is appropriate for us to take time to reflect on what Easter means, to think about the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. I would like to share with you a reflection on the Last Supper which was written by Michael McGirr.
There are few more tense scenes in the Bible than the scene of the Last Supper. There was a lot of love around the table. There was also a lot of nervousness and deceit. Jesus’ response to a need was always to give of himself. His whole life is encapsulated in his actions on the night before he died, especially in the institution of what we now call the Eucharist. ‘This is my body,’ he said, putting himself on the line. ‘This is my blood.’ Jesus asked his disciples to follow his example: ‘Do this in memory of me.’
The Eucharist is at the heart of Catholic life. It makes real the presence of Jesus, under the elements of bread and wine, in our Christian community and in our lives. It is not just a reminder of the death and resurrection of Jesus. It brings us immediately face-to-face once more with the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus. That is the mystery of love, of Jesus’ gift of himself to us in answer to our deepest needs.
Please note that Monday 24 April is a Professional Development Day for all staff. Students will not be attending school and the College Office will be closed. As 25 April is Anzac Day and a public holiday, students will not return to school until Wednesday 26 April.
I wish everyone a holy and peaceful Easter and I look forward to a productive and enjoyable Term 2.
Kate Dishon