College Tuition Fees

A statement will be emailed to families prior to the Term 2 holidays.

For those families that do not have a regular, scheduled payment arrangement in place, we would kindly remind you that your fees should be approximately 60% settled by the end of June (as we aim to have fees paid in full by September).

If you already have a payment plan in place, please retain the statement for your records.

Families paying by term instalments please note, your 3rd instalment is due 23rd July 2024.

Your assistance in ensuring that your account is up to date is greatly appreciated.

CSEF Applications ($1,250 CSEF reduction in fees)

Families who have not already applied & are eligible (hold health care (HCC), pensioner concession (PCC) or veterans’ affairs gold card and temporary foster parents) are strongly urged to complete the CSEF form (on our website as it provides significant reductions in fees.

CSEF applications close Friday 21st June 2024.

Should you have any queries in relation to your account please contact Mrs Heather Rinaldi ( or 8398 2000 (Option 3)

Your continued support is appreciated.

Daniel O’Malley - Business Manager

Year 7 Pastoral Program

Throughout Term 2, the Year 7 Pastoral program is focussing on the key trait; Gratitude. We have been explicitly learning about what Gratitude is, how we can give Gratitude to people in our lives, and importantly, how to receive the gift of Gratitude from others. The Year 7 cohort have been initially showing their Gratitude to each other, their teachers and staff through hand made cards and statements and in the final weeks of Term 2 will be creating a visual representation of our Gratitude journey.

“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment flows out and the tide of love rushes in.”

Brendan Savage - Year 7 Team Leader

Ozwater 2024 Conference

Last week we had the opportunity to attend the Ozwater 2024 conference that is only in Melbourne every 4 years. The day was an interesting and enjoyable learning experience as we had the opportunity to mix with other schools and meet many other important people from the water industry.

The main activity for the day was a STEM scavenger around the exhibition hall. For this we were split into small groups and using clues we had to find companies around the hall that supported the pathway of water from the asset owner to our houses. Each group had a mentor from Fulton Hogan that supported us. Along the way we learnt all about the important companies that help water come in and out of our homes and without them we wouldn’t have the luxuries we are able to have. We also learnt about the many opportunities open for women in STEM and how in 2024 there is a much wider diverse working environment especially in trades.

We got to talk to a former MSJ student, Georgia Perry (Class of 2011) that now works in the water industry as a Senior Project Engineer with Fulton Hogan. It was great to see her keeping the MSJ spirit alive. Abergeldie was one of the companies that we visited on our scavenger hunt, at their stall we had the opportunity to make our own smoothie by riding a bike that generated the energy to power the blender. There were many other companies that we visited during the STEM activity, like Xylem and Interflow that each have an important role in the movement of water.

Overall it was a very fun experience and we came away with a lot of knowledge about how important the water industry is, the career opportunities that are available to us in this industry and the pathways to get there.

By Isabelle Ali and Luka Brosnan, Year 10 STEM

Melbourne Holocaust Museum

Our VCE Modern History class had the opportunity to visit the Melbourne Holocaust Museum in Elsternwick. In this subject we have been exploring Germany in the 1920/1930's and the tragedy of the Holocaust.

This excursion gave our class a deeper understanding of this tragedy and how it affected the survivors. The In Touch with Memory program consisted of a guided experience of the Everybody Had a Name exhibition - where we could see first hand evidence and documentation of the lives lost during this time. One piece of evidence that really struck me, was the letters written from a Holocaust survivor who was writing to his wife and son from the concentration camps, expressing his love and his hope for a miracle.

Then we participated in an object-enquiry workshop, where we could engage with high-quality replicas from our museum collection. One replica that I found very interesting was the number bracelets made from metal wire, given to the Jewish people when they were being relocated to and from the concentration camps. This deliberate action of reducing Jewish people to a number was something I knew about but never truly understood before this.

My personal favourite part about this excursion was when our class had the opportunity to meet Abe Goldberg, a 99 year old Holocaust survivor. Abe told our class about his experiences living and growing up during the Holocaust. He shared with us his heartbreaking story about losing both his parents and his two sisters. Abe claims that his biggest achievement in life is not surviving this tragic part of history, but being a husband and a father. This excursion helped me gauge just how significant this event was in history and still is today.

By Lily Hood Year 11 Kincumber 3

Duke of Edinburgh Volunteering - Learning Resource Centre

I am Tia and I am one of the Silver Duke of Edinburgh volunteers in the Learning Resource Centre. As part of my voluntary service I am bringing you all the exciting news from the LRC this month.

Myself and other student volunteers have been helping with shelving, covering books and creating displays. The new First Nations display recognises the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. MSJ acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land and recognises the ongoing connection of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples to the land. Students were invited to help decorate the display with beautiful traditional Indigenous objects and artefacts. Their efforts resulted in a gorgeous display of MSJ’s appreciation for the Traditional Custodians of the land.

Students are able to try out a lot of different clubs in the LRC. Clubs give students the chance to try new things and connect with new friends. They can try things such as robotics, board games, photography, chess, literature, and makerspace.

Makerspace is off to a great start with a fun and simple project - making aprons to show our appreciation for all the mothers and their hard work. A mother is the pure embodiment of love; she gives her children her wholehearted affection. They are one of the most outstanding people in our lives. All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe it all to my mum. She is the reason I am who I am today; the good, and the kindness I show towards others. In honour of all the amazing female role models out there, thank you for stepping up to help me through it all. Your loving ways helped me find my own. Happy Mothers Day!

Some more exciting news in the LRC is the arrival of the books shortlisted in the Children’s Books Council of Australia Book of the Year awards.

Enjoy this term. Relax and enjoy our new books!

By Tia Phu Year 11

NCCD Data Collection

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year.

The NCCD is a collection that counts:

  • the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability
  • the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.

Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This ‘help’ allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Schools provide this information to education authorities.

For more information, download this fact sheet or visit the Victorian Education website.

Book Club - ‘Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD’

Do you have a child who experiences Anxiety or OCD? Do you want to learn some strategies to support your child to overcome anxiety provoking situations?

The MSJ Students Services team will be facilitating a book club in Term 2. The book club will be reading ‘Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD’ A Scientifically Proven Program for Parents is the first and only book to provide a completely parent-based treatment program for child and adolescent anxiety. Parents will learn how to alleviate their children's anxiety by changing the way they themselves respond to their children's symptoms--importantly, parents are not required to impose changes on their children's behaviour. Instead, parents are shown how to replace their own accommodating behaviours (which allow anxiety to flourish) with supportive responses that demonstrate both acceptance of children's difficulties and confidence in their ability to cope.

From understanding child anxiety and OCD, to learning how to talk with an anxious child, to avoiding common traps and pitfalls (such as being overly protective or demanding) to identifying the ways in which parents have been enabling a child's anxious behaviours, this book is full of detailed guidance and practical suggestions. Worksheets are included to help parents translate the book's suggestions into action, and the book's compassionate and personable tone will make it a welcoming resource for any concerned parent.

Light refreshments will be provided. Book Club will be held on the following dates:

  • Thursday: 16th of May 2024 @7pm

  • Thursday: 6th of June 2024 @7pm

  • Thursday: 26th June 2024 @7pm

If you are interested in participating in the Book Club, please complete the expression of interest form located: MSJ Book Club

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Robyn Thomson

Year 7 Aboriginal Cultural Infusion Day

On Friday 7 May 2024, all Year 7 students were immersed in a full day of Indigenous culture and learning. Students participated in dance, symbolic art and didgeridoo mindfulness. This is the Welcome to Country that was shared with the students at the beginning of the day.

Acknowledgement to Country - by Uncle Paul Chapman

Today, the woman playing the clap sticks is awakening any past energies within this room and has opened the door for it to leave.

The vibration of the didgeridoo, chases past energies from this room.

Then our women close the door on this.

So today, let's honour our woman in assisting me in this didgeridoo cleansing to fill the room with goodness.

Firstly, I want to tell you the difference between Welcome to country and an Acknowledgement to country.

And a welcome to country is like me here today and coming to their country, and for everyone here living in this beautiful part of the country, for everyone here we are acknowledging the Traditional owners of this country of their land and water.

The home of the Yalykit / William river camp or river dwellers of the Bunurong Peoples of the Kulin Nation.

So today, we pay homage to the Elders of the Past, Present, and to their Emerging Elders of today.

And right now,

We all love humanity, as it brings everyone here today from all diverse cultures to their belief systems.

It's just something that makes us all tick and that is just us being Human.

So, wherever you come from to be here, we all pay homage to each and everyone’s ancestors of their Elders, from the past, Present and our Emerging Elders who will take us into the future.

We are in Altona. Which is the suburb situated in the city of Hobsons Bay.

Right where we are now, it was back in 1842, a German man named Frederick Taegtow named it after a town outside of Hamburg Germany.

My name is Uncle Paul Chapman.

I am a Wakka Wakka Man.

I have lived down here in Victoria for over 20 years now to where I call myself a Victorain Aboriginal.

So today we thank you Sally.

And to everyone who has assisted in organising and who is participating.

We thank you all.

I would like to thank Cultural Infusion.

And special mention to Aunty Gabby and Aunty Dean who you will meet today.

Again thank you.

And let's enjoy ourselves.

And let's travel home safely.