2020 College Tuition Fees

Please note that 28 February is the first payment date for fees under all plans. If you are yet to commence 2020 payments, it would be appreciated if you bring your account into line. Families are required to settle fees in accordance with a plan listed on the 2020 fees schedule unless an alternative arrangement has been approved by the College.

Copies of the fees schedule and forms can be located on the College website (www.msj.vic.edu.au) under ‘Enrolment Information - Fees’.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us if any assistance is required msjfees@msj.vic.edu.au .

$1,225.00 CSEF reduction for eligible students

The $1225.00 received directly from the government will be applied to family accounts (to offset the cost of camps and excursions) mid-March 2020.For each student who qualifies for the CSEF, a further reduction of $1,000 will be processed.

Families who hold health care (HCC), pensioner concession (PCC) or veterans’ affairs cards and temporary foster parents are strongly urged to complete the CSEF form (also included on our website) as it provides significant reductions in fees.

Please Note: From 2019 the requirement for parents to complete and submit a new application form each year has been removed. Parents who received CSEF at the College in 2019 do not need to complete an application form in 2020 providing there has been no change in their family circumstances. Families commencing in 2020 will need to complete a CSEF form (also included on our website).

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact Mrs Heather Rinaldi as a matter of urgency to organize a time to meet with the Business Manager. We cannot help you until we know your true situation.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Ms Sharon O’Neill - Interim Business Manager

Learning Resource Centre

The LRC runs a wide range of clubs and activities every lunchtime. These clubs have developed over the years through student interest and now encompass everything from digital technology and gaming through to the creative Makerspace and Chess.

The Lilium: The Lilium is a student-run newsletter managed by Senior students. All students are welcome to join and contribute articles, photos, various writing, and more.

Chess Club: Chess Club is run once a week for friendly Chess competitions between students. Everyone is welcome - no experience necessary!

Makerspace: Makerspace is a creative group who meet to work on various hands-on activities, such as their current project, making planters for succulents from recycled books.

Writing Club: Writing Club is for anyone who has an interest in not only creativie writing, but also being creative with words! Some of the activities for the term include Five Minute Stories and Blackout Poetry.

Photography Club: Photography Club is for students who are interested in learning how to take creative photos. The Club is currently only available to students who are in Years 8-12.

Pageturners: Book Club is for anyone interested in books, reading, or the wider concept of literature. The Club is open to all students who are interested.

Tech Club: Tech Club is for any student interested in digital technology wants hands-on time with what we have available. Tech Club is split into Junior and Senior branches with each meeting on different days of the week.

Gaming Club: Gaming Club is for anyone who is interested in gaming. Not only do we have various games available to play, but students are welcome to join in the discussion about gaming.

Students have full access to the MSJ Library Clubs website which has more information available about each of the Clubs, as well as a full timetable of activities. The website can be accessed via Oliver, or by clicking the link here. It does require students to be logged in to their MSJ account.

Clubs Timetable:

Monday: The Lilium, Chess Club

Tuesday: Makerspace

Wednesday: Writing Club, Year 8-12 Photography Club

Thursday: Pageturners Book Club, Junior Tech Club

Friday: Senior Tech Club, Gaming Club

Rehearsals have begun for the College Musical, Mary Poppins Jnr. The performances will be held on 14 and 15 August 2020 so there will be a flurry of activity over the next 2 terms.

Here is the main cast list:

Mary PoppinsElla O'ConnorMrs BrillOlivia Massarany
BertChloe Smedley & Isabel VellaRoberton AyCharlotte Byrne
Jane BanksLucy English & Rosemary WhelanBird WomanTara Mathews & nina Unsworth
Michael BanksJasmin Neary & Ivy SalibaKatie NannaBridget Munro
George BanksTia StewartChairmanGrace Drandi
Winifred BanksHazel ZirobwaVon HusslerMonique Ghosn
Miss AndrewMani MillerJohn NorthbrookNatalie Balfoort
Mrs CorryTanvi AroraMiss SmytheHollie Green
NeleusMarizabel SalibaChoreographerMikaela King

Dance Company/Chimneysweeps

Sofia Bitaks, Keira Blizzard, Shanae Blizzard, Olivia Charalambous, Shauna Clarke, Ariana Dino, Grace Drandi, Luna Forero, Mia Pounder, Alice Sulovksi, Lily Szigeti, Adele Yacoub

Alto Chorus

Clare Allen, Neha Arumalla, Jay Brasier, Kesara Brocas-Reti, Shania D’Costa, Philippa Kaldy, Alice De Luca Fontana, Teagan Mcharg, Monique Milenkovski, Amelia Moore, Prisha Nadar, Jade Neary, Alexandra Orr, Ella Ripps , Ruby Ripps, Aryane Strangis, Bridget White, Madison Van Wyk

Soprano Chorus

Hannah Allen, Emma Baldacchino, Matilda Brown, Genna Bugeja, Zara Curtis, Neave English, Alexandra Farriciello, Etienne Green, Mackenzie Haar, Emma Hussey, Chantelle Johwa, Cassandra Marcok, Oriana Marshall, Haylee Nguyen, Charlotte Pickersgill, Nishka Pidtala, Riley Speedie, Natasha Stanley, Jade Sulovski, Ruby Szanto, Amy Tu, Jeanelle Uy, Samantha Wright

Junior Dancers

Tanveer Ahluwalia, Alyssa Barham, Rachel Currie, Gigi Fantuz, Lily Flaherty, Alivia Galea, Genevieve Georgakakis, Alice Gill, Alessia Loschiavo, Amelia Kennedy, Charli Paredes, Sophie Penman, Amy White, Bryanna Willie

Junior Chorus

Lucy Aitchison, Bianca Anderson, Gale Anderson, Grace Azzopardi, Eva Basquille, Kate Birthisel, Bridget Bromley, Emma Clark, Charlotte Farrugia, Heidi Fehring, Isabella Forrest, Sophie Gray, Jenna Greet, Adrienne Haar, Tara Hancock, Hethushi Hapuarchchi, Lily Hood, Zoe Innes, Leila Jensen-Stude, Grace Kern, Athena Koulis, Amelia Martin, Mai Nguyen, Gabriella Paskalidis, Eliza Pelns, Lola Refardt, Evie Sanderson, Annaliese Sharp, Ebony Silva, Helena Sofoulis, Olivia Stevanovski, Bianca Suine, Ella Tucker, Greesha Vadicherla, Alana Vuleta, Erica Whitmore, Poppy Wickham, Shannon Williams, Ava Zammit

Year 8 English – Peer feedback session

Last week, as our Year 8 students worked on their Oral Presentation tasks, we joined two classes together to give them the opportunity to fine-tune their presentations. The students were given a choice of partnering up with another student or forming a small group, so that they could practise their presentations in front of each other and provide and receive feedback. Students provided comments on the content of the oral presentation, as well as the ways in which oral conventions were being used.

This was an invaluable experience for the Year 8 students, who were able to deliver their speech to an audience in a “low-stakes” format, before presenting in front of their class and teacher for assessment.

Many of our students found this session to be very beneficial, as their peers made suggestions on the areas in which they could improve, such as more eye contact, maintaining pace, modulating their tone of voice, engaging the audience and voice projection.

We wish our year 8 students well when they present their speeches for assessment. Great job, girls!

Rebekah Taylor & Belinda Sorbello - (Year 8 English teachers)

Active April

Last year Mount st. Joseph Girls' College had the fifth highest number of students in the state sign up to program. We love being active here at MSJ!

Please encourage your child and the whole of your family to sign up, have fun and keep fit and active in April.